Issue №: 2(113)
The journal deals with the problems of vibration technologies and machines, mathematical methods of vibration process studies, information on design and technological development, presents teaching and methodological aspects of teaching in the Higher School of Applied Sciences, where vibration machines and technologies are studied.
Tverdokhlib Igor – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department labor protection and biotechnical systems in animal husbandry, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University: Vinniytsia, st. Sonyachna 3, VNAU, 21008, e-mail: igor_tverdokhlib@yahoo.com.
Kovalchuk Oleg - graduate student of the department of labor protection and biotechnical systems in animal husbandry of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University: Vinniytsia, st. Sonyachna 3, VNAU, 21008, e-mail: olejikvok@gmail.com.
Spirin Anatoly - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, teacher of Separate structural subdivision «Ladyzhyn vocational college of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University» (Kravchik Petro St., 5, Ladyzhyn, Vinnytsia Region, Ukraine, 24321, e-mail: spirinanatoly16@gmail.com.
Pavlenko Vladyslav - line operator, Vinnytsia confectionery factory ROSHEN (Batozka St., 2k, Vinnytsia, 21032, e-mail: vladpavlanko530@gmail.com.
To ensure high productivity of grain cultivation, it is necessary to use energy-efficient equipment at all stages of the technological process and to have high-quality seed material. After growing the crop, it must be processed and delivered to the consumer. The quality of the material, in particular the seed, depends on many factors, one of the main ones being its injury.
In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the sources of injuries, their causes, as well as to develop and implement organizational, technological and technical measures to eliminate them. Most of the consequences of grain injury are hidden and do not appear immediately. most occurs during its contact with the metal working bodies of machines.
Operations aimed at preliminary processing and subsequent storage of grain are important stages of the entire technological process of post-harvest processing, because the suitability of grain for storage and, accordingly, the supply of consumers with seed and food material depend on them.
The technological scheme, in accordance with which the grain will be brought to a state that will ensure its quality storage, depends on many factors, such as natural and climatic conditions, the provision of the farm with appropriate means, etc.
All technological operations are accompanied by the movement of grain by various means of transport, sometimes these means perform the role of cleaning machines. In addition, it is important to use grain throwers, which, in addition to transport functions, partially carry out the separation and drying of grain.
The scale of seed damage depends on the design and operational parameters of the machine, the state of the seed mass, as well as the characteristics of the grain variety. Belt grain throwers without appropriate design are only suitable for processing feed grain. As for work with seed material, they need to be modernized to eliminate existing shortcomings.
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2. Na yakykh etapakh poshkodzhuyetʹsya zerno: veb-sayt. URL: http://www. Cherk-consumer.gov.ua (data zvernennya 31.03.24). [in Ukrainian].
3. Adamchuk V.V., Hrytsyshyn M.I. (2012). Systema tekhniko-tekhnolohichnoho zabezpechennya vyrobnytstva produktsiyi roslynnytstva. Kyyiv. Ahrarna nauka. P. 416. [in Ukrainian].
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5. Mykhaylov YE., Serbiy YE., Zadosna N., ta in. (2016). Rekomendatsiyi shchodo obgruntuvannya kompleksu tekhnichnykh zasobiv pislyazbyralʹnoyi obrobky zerna v umovakh pivdnya Ukrayiny. Tekhnika i tekhnolohiyi APK. № 5 (80). P. – 28-30. [in Ukrainian].
6. Mykhaylov YE.V., Kyurchev S.V., Kolodiy O.S., ta in. (2019). Tekhnolohichni zasoby pislyazbyralʹnoyi obrobky nasinnya sonyashnyku. Monohrafiya. Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyy tsentr FORWARD PRESS. Melitopolʹ. 203 P. [in Ukrainian].
7. Derevyanko D.A. (2012). Vplyv chynnykiv pislyazbyralʹnoyi obrobky zerna na yakistʹ nasinnyevoho materialu. Inzheneriya pryrodokorystuvannya. №2. P. 30-31. [in Ukrainian].
8. Derevyanko D.A. (2014). Travmuvannya ta yakistʹ nasinnya na riznykh stadiyakh tekhnolohichnykh protsesiv. Inzheneriya pryrodokorystuvannya. №1. P. 114-123. [in Ukrainian].
9. Derevyanko D.A. (2011). Pislyazbyralʹna obrobka zerna i nasinnya na zernoochysnomu zavodi «Petkus». Tekhnika i tekhnolohiyi APK. № 5. P.14-17. [in Ukrainian].
10. Tverdokhlib I.V., Spirin A.V. (2016). Theoretical studies on the working capacity of disk devices for grinding agricultural crop seeds. INMATEH- Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 48, № 1. P. 43–52. [in English].
Derevyanko D.A., Derevyanko O.D. (2016). Vplyv tekhnichnykh zasobiv ta komponentiv zernovoho vorokhu na travmuvannya ta yakistʹ nasinnya. Tekhnika i tekhnolohiyi APK. № 6. P. 17-20. [in Ukrainian].
12. Derevyanko D.A. (2012). Vplyv volohosti zerna na yoho travmuvannya i nasinnyevi yakosti pid chas obmolotu ta pislyazbyralʹnoho doroblennya zernovoho vorokhu ozymoyi pshenytsi. Inzheneriya pryrodokorystuvannya. №1. P. 24-26. [in Ukrainian].
13. Kotov B., Spirin A., Kalinichenko R., Bandura V., Polievoda Y., Tverdokhlib I. (2019). Determination the parameters and modes of new heliocollectors constructions work for drying grain and vegetable raw material by active ventilation. Research in Agricultural Engineering. № 65. P. 20-24. [in English].
14. Tsurkan O., Prysiazhniuk Y., Spirin A., Borysiuk D., Tverdokhlib I., Polievoda Y. (2022). Research of the process of vibroozone drying of grain. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. Vol. 98, № 12. P. 329–333. [in English].
15. Spirin A., Borysiuk D., Tsurkan O., Tverdokhlib I., Veselovska N. (2023). Edl M. Ways of Intensification of Grass Seed Production. Journal of Engineering Sciences.. Vol. 10, Issue 1. P. F11-F19. [in English].
16. Derevyanko D.A. (2015). Vplyv robochykh elementiv shnekovoho transportera na travmuvannya ta yakistʹ nasinnya zernovykh kulʹtur. Tekhnika i tekhnolohiyi APK. № 9. P. 11-18. [in Ukrainian].
17. Derevyanko D.A. (2015). Vplyv strichkovoho transportera na travmuvannya ta yakistʹ nasinnya zernovykh kulʹtur. Tekhnika i tekhnolohiyi APK. № 8. P. 11-14. [in Ukrainian].
18. Derevyanko D.A., Derevyanko O.D. (2015). Vplyv robochykh elementiv kovshovoho transportera na travmuvannya ta yakistʹ nasinnya zernovykh kulʹtur. Tekhnika, enerhetyka, transport APK. № 3 (92). P. 73-77. [in Ukrainian].
19. Derevyanko D.A. (2015). Vplyv robochykh elementiv skrebkovoho transportera na travmuvannya ta yakistʹ nasinnya zernovykh kulʹtur. Tekhnika i tekhnolohiyi APK. № 7. P. 16-19. [in Ukrainian].
20. Tsurkan O.V., Spirin A.V., Tverdokhlib I. V. (2021). Vyznachennya teplofizychnykh kharakterystyk obʺyektiv vibratsiynoho sushinnya. Vibratsiyi v tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiyakh. № 3 (102). P. 100–108. [in Ukrainian].
21. Spirin A.V., Tsurkan O.V., Tverdokhlib I.V., Omelʹyanov O.M. (2021). Shlyakhy intensyfikatsiyi vyrobnytstva nasinnya trav. Vibratsiyi v tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiyakh. № 4 (103). P. 110-120. [in Ukrainian].
22. Spirin A.V., Tverdokhlib I.V., Hunko I.V., Vovk V.Y. (2020). Granite heat accumulators for air heaters. (Hranitni akumulyatory tepla dlya heliopidihrivachiv povitrya). Vibratsiyi v tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiyakh. № 2 (97). P. 72-80.
23. Tverdokhlib I.V., Spirin A.V. (2019). Do obgruntuvannya efektyvnosti povitryano-vidtsentrovoyi separatsiyi i pyloochyshchennya nasinnyevoho vorokhu trav pislya terkovoho prystroyu. Vibratsiyi v tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiyakh. № 4 (95). P. 76-81. [in Ukrainian].
24. Anelyak M.M., Kuzmych A.YA., Tverdokhlib I.V. (2012). Obgruntuvannya rezhymiv roboty molotarky zernozbyralʹnoho kombayna na nasinnya bahatorichnykh trav. Zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ Vinnytsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho ahrarnoho universytetu. Seriya: Tekhnichni nauky. Vyp. № 10 T. 2 (59). P. 40–43. [in Ukrainian].
25. Zernometach – mashyna prosta, nadiyna, efektyvna: veb-sayt. URL: http://www. propozitsiya. com.ua.zernometach (data zvernennya 31.03.24). [in Ukrainian].
About journal
The journal "Vibrations in engineering and technology" presents materials on the following issues
• Theory of processes and machines
• Mechanical Engineering and materialprocessing
• Processing and food production
The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technologies" is included in the list of technical scientific publications of Ukraine
(Category "B", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 2, 2020 No. 886)
Old version of the site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/
The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technology" is indexed by the following databases and catalogs:
The certificateof massmedia State registration:kv no 16643-5115 from 30.04.2010 .
Founder of the journal: Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Kind of publication: journal
Type of publication : Scientific
Publication status: Domestic
Year of founding:
Periodicity: 4 times a year
Extent: 18.75 nominal printed pages
ISSN: 2306-8744 (printed version), (online)
Language of edition : (mixed languages) Ukrainian, English
The scope of the distribution and the category of readers: national, foreign, teaching staff, scientists, businessmen.
Periodical is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine approved by the Order of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine from 21.12.2015 No. 1328.
The journal "Vibrations in engineering and technology" is included in the "Catalogue of periodicals of Ukraine".
Journal subscription can be executed in each post office department.
Subscription Index is 99720.
Old version of site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/
In June 1994 the 2nd International Scientific and Technical Conference "Application of vibrations for technological purposes" was organized on the basis of Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute. Leading experts in this field, noting the significant contribution to the school of Vibration Engineering under the leadership of P. S. Bernyk, proposed to create a professional all-Ukrainian scientific and technical journal "Vibration in engineering and technology..The journal was foundedat Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute and P.S. Bernyk was elected to be the chief editor .
For all these years (since 1994) theJournal "vibration in engineering and technology" published 94 issues wherestudy of vibration effects, the creation of progressive energy saving technologies and equipment for their implementation were highlighted.
Currently Kaletnik H.M PhD , professor, academician NAAS is the chief editor of the "Vibrations in engineering and Technology"
The journal "Vibration in Engineering and technology", which has no analogues on the territory of Ukraine, is well known abroad.