
Vibrations in engineering and technology


Requirements for the structure and design of the material of articles:

Requirements for the structure and design of the material of articles:

 - UDC, BBK, Author's name, surname, first name, patronymic of the author (authors), Name of the organization represented by the author, article title, abstract and keywords (not less than 1800 characters) in Ukrainian and English;

 Article headings must meet the following requirements:

 - the titles of scientific articles should be informative;

 - only common abbreviations can be used in article headings;

 - there should be no transliteration in English in the translation of the headings of the articles from Ukrainian , except for the names of proper names, devices and other objects with proper names ; also, non-translated slang which is  known only for Ukrainian-speaking  specialists.  This also applies to the author's resumes (annotations) and keywords.  Transliteration tables for Ukrainian are presented in annexes;

- the article should include the following structural subdivisions in accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003.  No. 7-05 / 1 “On Increasing the Requirements for Professional Editions Listed in the List of HAC of Ukraine”: 1) formulation of the problem in general and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks;  2) an analysis of the latest research and publications in which the author has considered  to address this issue;  3) the selection of the unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;  4) formulation of the purpose of the study;  5) the main results of the study with full justification of the obtained scientific results;  6) conclusions from this research, including scientific novelty, and prospects for further scientific research in this area.

 - the article should be structured - sections with titles, or simply highlighted, clearly highlighted main thoughts;

 - references to a particular work should be indicated in square brackets by the ordinal number in the list of references at the end of the article;

 - references to statistical sources are obligatory;

 - references to publications of researchers are obligatory;

 - references to textbooks, newspapers and non-scientific journals must be substantiated;

- references to own publications are allowed only in case of urgent need;

 - the works of authors whose names are referenced in the text should be in the list of references to this article;

 - It is recommended to use references to literary sources of leading scientists, foreign publications, academic journals, publications included in international scientific-metric bases.

 - References:

List of literature is formed in the order of reference (to be made according to the interstate standard DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of assembly"). References to the sources should be made in square brackets, indicating the page numbers according to the source: for example, [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].

The rules the bibliographic`s list  forming are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 40 of January 12, 2017 (registered in the Ministry of Justice on February 3, 2017 No. 155/30023) (URL: https://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws / show / z0155-17) and DSTU 8302: 2015 (URL: http://lib.pu.if.ua/files/dstu-8302-2015.pdf).

The editorial board proposes to take as a basis ˮExamples of design of the list of literature according to DSTU 8302: 2015 ˮInformation and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General terms and conditions for drafting “subject to modifications (UKND code 01.140.40)”. URL: http://lib.znau.edu.ua/jirbis2/images/phocagallery/2017/Pryklady_DSTU_8302_2015.pdf

List of sources used in transliteration / Reference

Forming the list of literature in transliteration / Reference use the international bibliographic standard APA URL: http://mmi.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/sites/default/files/references_extend_summary_en.pdf

All citations whose original language is different from the language of the article must be submitted in the language of the article and must be accompanied by links to the source and specific page.

The number of references should be at least 8 and no more than 25 sources for the original article and no more than 30 sources for the review article.

Author (s) should include: surname, first and last name (full), academic degree, academic title, position, department and name of the organization, mailing address, e-mail, contact telephone.

 - no more than four authors of the article;

 - the recommended volume of the article is 8 - 16 pages;

 - font New times roman, 14 font;  1.0 line spacing;  paragraph - 1.25, margins - all - 2 cm.


Requirements for the design of formulas:


- Formulas must be typed in the MathType Formulas Editor

 - References to the formula in the text are (1), (2-4)

 - Formulas should be numbered

 - Right-side numbering alignment

 - The formula is part of the text, so after the formula there should be a meaningful sign: if there is a new sentence, then there is a  point;  if further explanation then  there is  a comma

 - the tables are compact, with name and numbering;

 - qualitative illustrations with name and numbering, suitable for scanning;

 - the materials must be submitted on paper and in electronic form;

 - doctor's review;

 - information about the author (in Ukrainian and English).

 The authors are responsible for the accuracy of terms, surnames, data, quotes, borrowings, statistical materials, etc. in the article.


Requirements for the structure and registration of copyright data:

– Surname, name, patronymic of the author (s), academic rank, academic degree, position and place of work, service address (with ZIP code), e-mail address (if any), contact phone (optional), the main scientific interests of the author (IP) are all in Ukrainian Language.

It must be noted that the abstracts (abstracts, author's summaries) in English in the ukrainian edition for foreign scholars and professionals are basic and, as a rule,is  the only source of information on the article content and the results outlined in its research. Foreign experts on annotation assess the publication, determine their interest to the work of the Ukrainian scientist, can use it in their publication and make a link to it, open a discussion with the author, invite full text, etc. The abstract in English on the Ukrainian language article can be more  on volume than the  abstract in Ukrainian, as the ukrainian  annotation follows the full text in the same language.

Similarly, we can say about the abstracts of the articles published in English. However, even in the requirements of foreign publishers to the articles in English is indicated on the volume of the annotation in the amount of 100-250 words.


We list the obligatory qualities of the annotation in English to Ukrainian-language articles.

Abstracts should be:

-Informative (do not contain common words);

-Original (not to be a tracing of Ukrainian-language annotations);

-Meaningful (display basic content of the article and research results);

-Structured (follow logic description of results in the article);

-"English-speaking" (written in standart English);

-Compact  ( the volume should have from 100 to 250 words).

Publication of the article is a paid service. Payments made at the rate of 60 UAH. For every complete and incomplete page of text.

Requisites for payment:

Recipient:   Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Code 00497236

Settlement account   no UA 918201720313291008201002055

Bank   State Treasury Service of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Purpose of Payment: for the publication of the article in the "Vibrations in engineering  and technology" issue from the author's name.


In the abstracts that write our authors, the most basic mistakes are allowed. Most frequently, the annotation is a direct translation of the Ukrainian language version, overloaded with general words, which are not worth anything, which increases the volume, but does not contribute to the disclosure of content and the essence of the article. And more often the volume of the annotation is only a few tapes (3-5). In translating the annotation, English-language special terminology is not used, which makes it difficult to understand the text by foreign experts. In the foreign database , such representation of the article content is absolutely unacceptable.

Experience shows that the most difficult for the Ukrainian author in the preparation of the annotation is to present a brief result of the work. Therefore, one of the proven variants of the annotation is a brief repetition of the structure of the article, including introduction, goals and tasks, methods, results, conclusions. This way of compiling the annotation was spread in foreign journals.


List of literature is formed in the order of reference (to be made according to the interstate standard DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of assembly"). References to the sources should be made in square brackets, indicating the page numbers according to the source: for example, [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].

The rules the bibliographic`s list  forming are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 40 of January 12, 2017 (registered in the Ministry of Justice on February 3, 2017 No. 155/30023) (URL: https://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws / show / z0155-17) and DSTU 8302: 2015 (URL: http://lib.pu.if.ua/files/dstu-8302-2015.pdf).

The editorial board proposes to take as a basis ˮExamples of design of the list of literature according to DSTU 8302: 2015 ˮInformation and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General terms and conditions for drafting “subject to modifications (UKND code 01.140.40)”. URL: http://lib.znau.edu.ua/jirbis2/images/phocagallery/2017/Pryklady_DSTU_8302_2015.pdf

List of sources used in transliteration / Reference

Forming the list of literature in transliteration / Reference use the international bibliographic standard APA URL: http://mmi.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/sites/default/files/references_extend_summary_en.pdf