
Vibrations in engineering and technology


Issue №: 3(90)

Published: 2018.09.26

The journal deals with the problems of vibration technologies and machines, mathematical methods of vibration process studies, information on design and technological development, presents teaching and methodological aspects of teaching in the Higher School of Applied Sciences, where vibration machines and technologies are studied.

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Kobets Anatoliy – Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Rector, Dnipro state agrarian-economic university, S. Efremova Str. , 25, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Dyrda Vitaly – Doctor of Technical sciences, professor, Head of Department of  Еlastomeric component Mechanics in Mining Machines, M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the NAS of Ukraine, Simferopolskaya Str., 2а, Dnipro, Ukraina, e-mail: vita.igtm@gmail.com.

Sokol Sergey –  Candidate of Technical Science (Ph. D.) Dnipro state agrarian-economic university, 

S. Efremova Str. , 25, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Cherniy Alexandr – Senior Teacher of  Department «Reliability and repair of machines», Dnipro state agrarian-economic university, S. Efremova Str. , 25, 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: sanek20.1984@gmail.com.



One of the indicators of the efficiency of the technological process is the use of transporting machines with high technical and economic characteristics, as well as high indicators of operational reliability and durability. In practice, the design of machines for the transport of goods has proved to be very good, that vibration is used in the process. In this article, vibration tube conveyors of the KV2T type are considered. Thanks to their advantages, these machines successfully cope with the tasks set, being part of the technological lines of transportation, separation, drying, cooling of useful cargoes at the enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical, construction and other branches of the national economy. Since this is a resonant system, the question of the invariance of the parameters of vibration in time is very important. Long-term experience of using vibrating conveyors has shown that in the form of an elastic link they use rubber-metal elements, which are characterized by a non-linearity of damping properties. In this case, it is important to take into account all the rheological characteristics of rubber when describing the dynamics of the machine.  The main factor that changes the rigidity parameters of elastic elements, in studies is determined the ambient temperature in which the machine operates. For the operating range, the ambient temperature was assumed to be below zero degrees. Using the deduced formula for determining the amplitude, a curve is constructed for the dependence of the amplitude of the oscillations on the lowered ambient temperature. Practical measurements of the oscillation amplitude of the system at low ambient temperatures show good convergence with the theoretical dependence.

Keywords: dumass system, vibration, rubber-metal elements, temperature, amplitude

List of references

1. Bulat A.F., Dyrda V.I., 

Karnaukhov V.G, Zvyagil'skiy Ye L., Kobets A.S. (2011–2014). Prikladnaya mekhanika uprugo-nasledstvennykh sred [Applied mechanics of the elastic-hereditary media]. (Vols. 1-4). Kiyv: Naukova dumka [In Ukrainian].

2. Rabotnov Yu.N. (1977). Elementy nasledstvenoy mekhaniki tverdykh tel. [Elements of hereditary mechanics of solids]. Moscov: Nauka [In USSR].

3. Shenbor V.S., Borovets V.M., 

Korendii V.M., Shenbor Yu.V., Brusentsov V.G. (2017), Deiaki osoblyvosti konstruiuvania vibratsiinykh trubchastych transporteriv [Some features of the optimal design of vibratory tubular conveyors ]. Vibratsii v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh – Vibrations in technics and technologies [In Ukrainian].

4. Dorokhov M.A., Agaltsov G.N., 

Novikova A.V., Kalgankov Ye.V., Tsanidy I.N., Lutsenko S.N. (2015). Eksperimentalnye isledovanie reologii rezin [Experimental Research Of Rubber Rheology] Geotekhnicheskaya mekhanika. Megved. sb. nauch. tr. – Geotechnical mechanics. issue121. pp.207-214.

5. Bulat A.F., Dyrda V.I., Pykhalskiy V.H., Lisitsa N.I., Chernii A.A., Zabolotnaya E.Yu.(2015). Razrabotka i shyrokoe promyshlenoe vnedrenie vibratsionykh mashyn i kompleksov vypuska i dostavki uranovykh rud pri podzemnoy dobyche [Development and broad industrial introduction of a set of vibrating machines and sets of owls issue and delivery of uranium ores in the underground production] Geotekhnicheskaya mekhanika. Megved. sb. nauch. tr. – Geotechnical mechanics. issue121.pp.12-21

6. Tsurkan O.V., Polyevoda Y.A., 

Volynets E.O., Pohoday M.V. (2016), Osoblyvosti konstruktsii kombinovanogo zmishuvacha dlia pererobnykh i kharchovykh vyrobnytstv [ Featyres of construction of the combined mixer are for processing and food production]. Vibratsii v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh– Vibrations in technics and technologies [In Ukrainian].


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About journal

Topics of the journal:

The journal "Vibrations   in engineering  and technology" presents materials on the following issues

• Theory of processes and machines
• Mechanical Engineering and materialprocessing
• Processing and food production

The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technologies" is included in the list of technical scientific publications of Ukraine

(Category "B", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 2, 2020 No. 886)

Old version of the site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/

The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technology" is indexed by the following databases and catalogs:



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Key information:
ISSN (print): 2306-8744
DOI: 10.37128/2306-8744

The certificateof massmedia State registration:kv no 16643-5115 from 30.04.2010 .
Founder of the journal: Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Kind of publication: journal
Type of publication : Scientific
Publication status: Domestic
Year of founding:
Periodicity: 4 times a year
Extent: 18.75 nominal printed pages
ISSN: 2306-8744 (printed version), (online)
Language of edition  : (mixed languages) Ukrainian, English
The scope of the distribution and the category of readers: national, foreign, teaching staff, scientists, businessmen.
Periodical is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine approved by the Order of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine from 21.12.2015 No. 1328.
The journal "Vibrations in engineering and technology" is included in the "Catalogue of periodicals of Ukraine".
Journal subscription can be executed in each post office department.
 Subscription Index is  99720.


Old version of site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/

History of journal:

In June 1994 the 2nd International Scientific and Technical Conference "Application of vibrations for technological purposes" was organized on the basis of Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute. Leading experts in this field, noting the significant contribution to the school of Vibration Engineering under the leadership of P. S. Bernyk, proposed to create a professional all-Ukrainian scientific and technical journal "Vibration in engineering and technology..The journal was foundedat Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute and P.S. Bernyk was elected to be the chief editor .
For all these years (since 1994) theJournal "vibration in engineering and technology" published  94 issues wherestudy of vibration effects, the creation of progressive energy saving technologies and equipment for their implementation were highlighted.
Currently Kaletnik H.M  PhD , professor, academician NAAS is the chief editor of the "Vibrations in engineering  and Technology"
The journal "Vibration in Engineering and technology", which has no analogues on the territory of Ukraine, is well known abroad.