
Vibrations in engineering and technology


Issue №: 2(89)

Published: 2018.06.26

Журнал присвячено висвітленню проблем з вібраційних технологій і машин, математичних методів досліджень вібраційних процесів, подано інформацію про проєктно-конструкторські технологічні розробки, представлено навчально-методичні аспекти викладання у Вищій школі прикладних дисциплін, де вивчаються вібраційні машини і технології.

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Sholoviy Yuriy – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (S. Bandery str., 12, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, e-mail: J-sholov@ukr.net).

Magerus Nadiya – PhD, Assistant of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (S. Bandery str., 12, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, e-mail: maherusn@gmail.com)



The simulation of the process of leakage of finely dispersed bulk material from the conical bunker of the hopper during vibrational perturbation of the flow by a conical bottom on the basis of the Lorentz model, which allows describing the behavior of the bulk product under the action of vibration, is considered. Since the fine-dispersive SM under the influence of mechanical vibrations behaves in a similar way to the liquid, the most effective way of obtaining the Lorentz model was to deduce it from the Navier-Stokes equations. The dynamics of leakage of SM, the influence of the parameters of the well and vibration modes on the efficiency of the leakage process have been analyzed.


Keywords: unloading well, loose material, vibrational bottom, leakage, parameters of the well, modes of oscillations

List of references

1. Chlenov V.A., & Mikhailov N.V. (1972). Vibrokipiashchii sloi [Vibro-boiling layer]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russian].

 2. Pirozhkov D.N. (2008). Sviedieniie gidrodinamichieskoi modeli vibroozhizhennogo sypuchego matieriala k sistiemie Lorentsa [Reduction of the hydrodynamic model of a fluidized bulk material to the Lorentz system]. Viestnik Altaiskogo gosudarstviennogo agrarnogo univiersitieta, Barnaul - Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University, Barnaul, 8, 59-65 [in Russian].

 3. Sholovii Yu.P., Tymoshenko N.M. &  Magerus N.I. (2014). Modeliuvannia povedinky dribnodyspersnogo sypkogo materialu pid diieiu vibratsii u konichnii luntsi dozatora za dopomohoiu systemy Lorentsa [Modeling the behavior of finely dispersed bulk material under the action of vibration in a conical duct hole using the Lorentz system]. Tekhnologichni kompleksy - Technological complexes, 1, 109 – 117 [in Ukrainian].

 4. Rusanov S.A., Luniaka K. V. & Ardashev V.A. (2007). Niekotoryie tieorietichieskiie aspiekty protsessa vibrokipieniia [Some theoretical aspects of the process of vibrational boiling]. Vostochno-Yevropieiskii zhurnal pieriedovyh tiehnologii – Eastern European Journal of Advanced Technology, 6/5, 23 – 25 [in Ukrainian].

 5. Magerus N.I. (2016). Obgruntuvannia parametriv ta rezhymiv roboty vibratsiinyh obiemnyh dozatoriv dlia dribnodyspersnyh sypkyh materialiv [Justification of parameters and operating modes of vibration dispensers for fine particulate materials]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Lviv: «Oshchypok M.M.» [in Ukrainian].


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About journal

Topics of the journal:

The journal "Vibrations   in engineering  and technology" presents materials on the following issues

• Theory of processes and machines
• Mechanical Engineering and materialprocessing
• Processing and food production

The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technologies" is included in the list of technical scientific publications of Ukraine

(Category "B", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 2, 2020 No. 886)

Old version of the site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/

The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technology" is indexed by the following databases and catalogs:



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Key information:
ISSN (print): 2306-8744
DOI: 10.37128/2306-8744

The certificateof massmedia State registration:kv no 16643-5115 from 30.04.2010 .
Founder of the journal: Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Kind of publication: journal
Type of publication : Scientific
Publication status: Domestic
Year of founding:
Periodicity: 4 times a year
Extent: 18.75 nominal printed pages
ISSN: 2306-8744 (printed version), (online)
Language of edition  : (mixed languages) Ukrainian, English
The scope of the distribution and the category of readers: national, foreign, teaching staff, scientists, businessmen.
Periodical is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine approved by the Order of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine from 21.12.2015 No. 1328.
The journal "Vibrations in engineering and technology" is included in the "Catalogue of periodicals of Ukraine".
Journal subscription can be executed in each post office department.
 Subscription Index is  99720.


Old version of site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/

History of journal:

In June 1994 the 2nd International Scientific and Technical Conference "Application of vibrations for technological purposes" was organized on the basis of Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute. Leading experts in this field, noting the significant contribution to the school of Vibration Engineering under the leadership of P. S. Bernyk, proposed to create a professional all-Ukrainian scientific and technical journal "Vibration in engineering and technology..The journal was foundedat Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute and P.S. Bernyk was elected to be the chief editor .
For all these years (since 1994) theJournal "vibration in engineering and technology" published  94 issues wherestudy of vibration effects, the creation of progressive energy saving technologies and equipment for their implementation were highlighted.
Currently Kaletnik H.M  PhD , professor, academician NAAS is the chief editor of the "Vibrations in engineering  and Technology"
The journal "Vibration in Engineering and technology", which has no analogues on the territory of Ukraine, is well known abroad.