
Issue №: 3 (102)
The journal deals with the problems of vibration technologies and machines, mathematical methods of vibration process studies, information on design and technological development, presents teaching and methodological aspects of teaching in the Higher School of Applied Sciences, where vibration machines and technologies are studied.
Yaroshenko Leonid Victorovich candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics of Vinnitsa national agrarian university, Service address: Vinnitsa, st. Sonyachna 3, VNAU 21008, e-mail: volvinlv@gmail.com
Chubyk Roman Vasyliovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Resistance of Materials and Structural Mechanics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Office address: Lviv 79013, vul. S. Banderi 12, e-mail: Roman.V.Chubyk@lpnu.ua
Derevenko Iryna Anatoliivna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Material Resistance and Structural Mechanics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Office address: Lviv 79013, vul. S. Banderi 12, e-mail: iryna.a.derevenko@lpnu.ua
The article analyzes and proposes an approach to the construction of a control system for electromechanical debalance vibrodrive for vibration machines based on an artificial neural network. As a result of the analysis of various methods of managing dynamic objects it is concluded that the most appropriate and perfect for this type of machine is neurocontrol method of predictive model neurocontrol, which allows to expand the functionality of these vibrating machines and significantly save energy for vibratory drive of their oscillations. A direct neuro-emulator is used to predict the future behavior of the oscillating mechanical system of the vibration technological machines and to calculate errors. An important feature of the predictive neurocontrol model in the proposed method of controlling the operation of vibrating technological machines using an artificial neural system is that there is no neurocontroller that needs to be trained, its place is taken by the optimization algorithm.
Applying the proposed method of controlling operation of adaptive vibration technology machines using artificial neural network will optimize the electromechanical control of debalanced vibration drive of vibrating machines and provide optimal resonant modes of its operation (which is energy efficient) in all technological modes of vibrating operation. The technical and economic characteristics of this control method are further improved due to the fact that the proposed control method uses the technology of predictive model neurocontrol and as a result is constantly calculated (forecasted) several cycles in advance and determines the best strategy to control the frequency of forced cyclic vibration. As a result, the mechanical system of vibration machines spends less time in non-resonant mode. This method of control also minimizes the duration of transients when changing the load mass of the working body vibration or changing the mode of vibration parameters and the parameters of their technological process.
1. Chubyk R.V., Yaroshenko L.V. Kerovani vibratsiyni tekhnolohichni mashyny. Vinnytsya.: VNAU, 2011. 355 s.
2. Sposib keruvannya robotoyu mashyn iz kolyvnymy ruhamy robochyh organiv. pat. 10971 А Ukraina, MPK B65BG27/24. Bernyk P.S., Chubyk R.V., Pashystyy V.А. № а 200502375; zayavl. 16.03. 2005 opubl. 15.12.2005; Byul. № 12.
3. Chubyk R.V. Adaptyvna systema keruvannya regymamy rezonansnyh vibratsiynyh tehnologichnyh mashyn: Avnoref. dys… kand. teh. nauk. Lviv, 2007. 20 s.
4. Sposib keruvannya robotoyu adaptyvnyh vibratsiynyh tehnologichnyh mashyn. pat. 87776 А Ukraina, MPK B65G27/00.. Sereda L.P., Chubyk R.V., Yaroshenko L.V. № а 200803685; zayavl. 24.03. 2008 opubl. 10.08.2009; Byul. № 15.
5. Kerovanyy symetrychnyy debalansnyy zbudguvach kolyvan. pat. 112137 Ukraina, MPK В06B 1/16 (2006.1) Chubyk R.V., Yaroshenko L.V., Mokrytskyy R.B., Zraylo N.М. № а 2015 05483; zayavl. 04.06. 2015 opubl. 25.07.2016; Byul. № 14.
6. Kerovanyy vibropryvod napryamlenoyi diyi zi sparenymy debalansamy. pat. 116418 Ukraina, MPK В06B 1/16 (2006.1) Chubyk R.V., Yaroshenko L.V., Bandura V. М., Tomchuk V. V., Zraylo N.М. № а 2016 09034; zayavl. 25.08. 2016 opubl. 12.03. 2018; Byul. № 5.
7. Kerovanyy symetrychnyy debalansnyy vibropryvod napryamlenoyi diyi. pat. 117630 Ukraina, MPK В06B 1/16 (2006.1) Chubyk R.V., Yaroshenko L.V., Zraylo N.М. № а 2017 00984; zayavl. 03.02. 2017 opubl. 27.08.2018; Byul. № 16.
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9. Elastychna mufta. pat. 43814 А Ukraina, MPK F 16D3/74. Bernyk P.S., Denisov P.D., Solona O.V. №99116345; zayavl. 23.11.99; opubl. 17.12.2001. Byul. №11.
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15. Lendaris G.G. A Retrospective on Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Control Pro-ceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Atlanta, USA, June 14-19, 2009. P. 1750 – 1757.
16. Burakov, М. V. Neyronnyye seti i neyrokontrollery: ucheb. posobiye. Spb.: GUAP, 2013. 284 s.
17. Takahashi Y. Adaptive Predictive Control of Nonlinear Time-Varying System using Neural Network Proceedings of the IEEE Interna-tional Conference on Neural Networks. Na-goya, Japan, 25 – 29 October, 1993. Vol. 3. P. 1464 – 1468.
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About journal
The journal "Vibrations in engineering and technology" presents materials on the following issues
• Theory of processes and machines
• Mechanical Engineering and materialprocessing
• Processing and food production
The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technologies" is included in the list of technical scientific publications of Ukraine
(Category "B", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 2, 2020 No. 886)
Old version of the site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/
The journal "Vibrations in Engineering and Technology" is indexed by the following databases and catalogs:
The certificateof massmedia State registration:kv no 16643-5115 from 30.04.2010 .
Founder of the journal: Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Kind of publication: journal
Type of publication : Scientific
Publication status: Domestic
Year of founding:
Periodicity: 4 times a year
Extent: 18.75 nominal printed pages
ISSN: 2306-8744 (printed version), (online)
Language of edition : (mixed languages) Ukrainian, English
The scope of the distribution and the category of readers: national, foreign, teaching staff, scientists, businessmen.
Periodical is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine approved by the Order of Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine from 21.12.2015 No. 1328.
The journal "Vibrations in engineering and technology" is included in the "Catalogue of periodicals of Ukraine".
Journal subscription can be executed in each post office department.
Subscription Index is 99720.
Old version of site: http://vibrojournal.vsau.edu.ua/
In June 1994 the 2nd International Scientific and Technical Conference "Application of vibrations for technological purposes" was organized on the basis of Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute. Leading experts in this field, noting the significant contribution to the school of Vibration Engineering under the leadership of P. S. Bernyk, proposed to create a professional all-Ukrainian scientific and technical journal "Vibration in engineering and technology..The journal was foundedat Vinnytsia State Agricultural Institute and P.S. Bernyk was elected to be the chief editor .
For all these years (since 1994) theJournal "vibration in engineering and technology" published 94 issues wherestudy of vibration effects, the creation of progressive energy saving technologies and equipment for their implementation were highlighted.
Currently Kaletnik H.M PhD , professor, academician NAAS is the chief editor of the "Vibrations in engineering and Technology"
The journal "Vibration in Engineering and technology", which has no analogues on the territory of Ukraine, is well known abroad.